This weather is awesome. It stinks there is rain coming in tonight and will last through Saturday. Boo! Oh well, as least the temperatures are suppose to stay in the 60s through the weekend. I am so ready for spring!
My cold is almost completely gone and so is Melanie's. We both just have the sniffles a little. I am so tired of blowing my nose and trying to wipe Melanie's nose. No fun. Melanie came down with the cold about a week ago and then a few days later I caught it. I felt really crappy on Sunday and Monday; all I wanted to do was lay on the couch. But being sick never slowed Melanie down. Kids are really amazing. I need to get caught up on cleaning the house. I usually do that on Mondays, but since I wasn't feeling good, I didn't this week. And the rest of the week has just flown by. I really wish I had a maid. :)