Thursday, March 11, 2010

It feels like Spring!

Melanie and I took a walk today since it was so gorgeous out! She loves crusing in her wagon. It was very sunny out so I put her sunglasses on and I can't believe she left them on. Doesn't she look stylish? She really does have the life though. She can sit back and ride in her wagon with her sippy cup and some snacks, while Mommy just pulls her around. We went on a mile and a half walk around our plan and with the few hills I certainly got a good work out. :) We went for another short walk once Brian got home from work. We stopped at the neighbors since all the kids were out drawing on the driveway with sidewalk chalk. Melanie really liked drawing with the chalk. She would bend over, draw a few lines and then stand up say "Yaya" and clap. She was so proud of herself. She is too cute. I guess we better buy some sidewalk chalk.

This weather is awesome. It stinks there is rain coming in tonight and will last through Saturday. Boo! Oh well, as least the temperatures are suppose to stay in the 60s through the weekend. I am so ready for spring!

My cold is almost completely gone and so is Melanie's. We both just have the sniffles a little. I am so tired of blowing my nose and trying to wipe Melanie's nose. No fun. Melanie came down with the cold about a week ago and then a few days later I caught it. I felt really crappy on Sunday and Monday; all I wanted to do was lay on the couch. But being sick never slowed Melanie down. Kids are really amazing. I need to get caught up on cleaning the house. I usually do that on Mondays, but since I wasn't feeling good, I didn't this week. And the rest of the week has just flown by. I really wish I had a maid. :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ohh the Mommy Guilt!

So Melanie is getting pretty good at walking, but yesterday she had a little accident. We went to Target and I got her out of the car and she was standing right beside me while I was getting something out of the car. She tried to take one little step and slipped and fell. :( She scraped up her nose. You can see in the picture that her nose is a little red. She cried for maybe 5 minutes and then she was fine. She is one tough cookie. I feel awful though. I shouldn't of put her down. I should have held her hand.. but there's no use in beating myself up. It's won't be the last time she gets hurt. Oh the Mommy guilt! I ended up buying her two balls at Target because of the Mommy guilt. But the $4 I spend was a great investment, because she played with them for almost an hour straight when we got home yesterday.

On Saturday we are going to my niece's Alli's 2nd Birthday party. The theme is Dora, so I know Melanie will love it. It will be fun I'm sure. I can't believe Allison is already 2 and Melanie is 17 months. Time goes by waaay too fast! Then Saturday night, Melanie is sleeping at Nanny and Papa's (my parents) because Brian and I have a wedding to go to. My friend from High School, Jessica is getting married. The wedding is at Heinz Chapel (Jessica and Pat met at Pitt) and the reception is at the Heinz History Center - That should be cool, never been to a reception there before.

So we have a busy weekend, but it should be a lot of fun. Ohh the sun is shining today and it's suppose to be 50 by Sunday! So maybe spring is on it's way. I sure hope so!!